FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: Is StyleSells Inc. just like you see on TV?
A: Yes; except with no drama and no commercials.
Q: What’s the difference between a Stager and Designer?
A: Stagers focus on mass-market appeal. Designers focus on an individual client’s needs.
Q: What’s the difference between Renovation and Design?
A: Renovation enhances the existing. Design imagines the possible.
Q: Do you only work for clients with new and expensive homes?
A: StyleSells Inc. works with all clients who want increased beauty, function and appeal in every type of property. Old, new, personal, commercial, big or small, we serve them all!
Q: Do you only work on properties that are for sale?
A: We provide a broad spectrum of valuable services to all types of properties at all stages of their development. We believe that every property is for sale, eventually. And, that it’s never too early or too late to help clients make smart, equity-raising choices.
Q: So, is Home Staging hard?
A: Not for StyleSells Inc. It’s inspiration, creativity and knowledge all wrapped-up in a big bow of experience.
Q: Why can’t my Realtor stage my house? Why can’t I do it myself?
A: Staging is a skill and one that requires learning and experience. StyleSells Inc. stagers do what we do for the same reason Celine Dion sings and Wayne Gretzky played hockey. Because, we can!
Q: Can’t buyers just look past my house conditions to envision their own home?
A: Rarely. Often, people can’t look at groceries and envision dinner.
Q: It’s a “Seller’s Market” everything is selling; do I still need to stage?
A: Absolutely! Present your best product and put more money in your pocket.
Q: It’s a “Buyers Market” and few houses are selling. What good will it do to stage?
A: When the market is flooded, it’s essential that your house be the one that floats to the top. If only one house sells today, staging will increase the odds of it being yours.
Q: How much does staging cost?
A: Staging and Design consultation are affordable. The typical staging investment is substantially less than the first price reduction on an unsold house. And generally, less than the carrying cost of just one extra month of an unsold house (i.e. mortgage, taxes, utilities, mowing/snow removal etc.) (Please refer to our Services section: Consultation)
Q: Who pays for the Staging? The Realtor or the Homeowner?
A: Realtors, understanding the value added by staging, are inclined to pay the initial consultation fee. Sometimes, there are no further costs. If there are, your stager can maximize the appeal of your house on even the smallest budget, ensuring that the equity increase far outweighs your staging investment.
Q: How long is a staging consultation? Do you just tell us or do you help us do it?
A: An initial staging consult lasts about 1-2 hours (depending on house size and condition). A staging plan is developed including everything you need to know to achieve success. StyleSells Inc. works through the entire process with you, providing as much or as little help as you need.
Q: How do I prepare for a staging consult?
A: Just relax, we’re home stagers not housework inspectors. Our focus is entirely on how to get your listing beautifully presented for the least amount of your time, effort and money.
Q: Will there be a big “To Do” list?
A: StyleSells Inc. ‘to do’ list is often shorter and involves less work than the homeowner expected.
Q: Do I have to paint? Must I get rid of my stuff?
A: Raised equity is usually a result of simple rearrangement of your own furniture and minimizing of visual distractions. If more than that is required, StyleSells Inc. will only recommend that which will translate into better online photos, more successful showing and more offers sooner.
Q: People say our house looks good. Even our Realtor says so; why should we stage?
A: Good listings sell for less money than great. Good listings stay on the market longer than great listings. Why settle for good when StyleSells Inc. will help you achieve great.
Q: Why can’t I wait to see if my house will sell without staging?
A: You only get one chance to make a great first impression. If it’s not great, you’ve lost your buyer and their realtor. A staged house will keep a realtor coming back with more buyers, even if the house was wrong for their initial buyer.
Q: I’m having trouble selling my vacant house; do you know why?
A: Yes. Buyers become building inspectors minutes after entering a vacant listing; even minor flaws catch their eye. That focus on little defects will adversely effect speed of sale and perceived value. Vacant houses lack appeal to buyers like an empty plate fails to appeal to a hungry person. StyleSells Inc. has a large inventory of rental furniture and décor that directs focus to the best assets of a listing.
Q: Do you only help people sell or can I take you to my next home? I love what you did!
A: Absolutely we’ll come to your next house! And to your friends; and your family; and your work place. We very much appreciate your referrals.